Revenue GPS

CASE STUDY- Re-Launch – Local Public TV Magazine

August 15th, 2020

TAKE AWAY- Don’t be afraid to charge full value for your product


One of my first gigs after launching RevenueGPS was to re-position a magazine for a local market Public Television station. At the time the monthly magazine was being sold by both the TV and radio sales staff.

The problem was that their TV and radio inventory was much higher priced than the print magazine ads so they saw the magazine as a nice merchandising give away rather than a legitimate media buy. Many of the ads ran free.

One of the first things at RevenueGPS we did was a competitive analysis of other print competitors and discovered that we were significantly underpricing our ads. We could nearly triple the price of our ads and still be competitive.

I created a new media kit to give the magazine a fresh look, identified a new set of prospects, raised the rates almost threefold, instituted frequency discounts to encourage multi-month buys, and introduced some new ad positions.

My first sale produced the highest revenue ad buy they had ever made. This also contributed to establishing the magazine as a credible stand-alone media buy.

I can do the same for you, call RevenueGPS.